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The right kind of fearlessness moulds good governance

M Divya

We often see different definitions of governance and recommendations on how well we can uplift it. As leaders we do strategic planning, organising, directing, everything that needs to put in order to achieve or to work towards our determined goals.


Are you actually ready to face any outcome?

Are your purpose and values so strong that financial outcomes are secondary?


Have you constrained yourselves by always expecting constant improvement?

Good governance requires us to be ready for adversity, it requires us to be agile and to be able to respond to uncertainty. To do this we need to embrace fear.

Almost everyday we experience fear and with that fear comes a small death; By death we don't mean the 'big death', these are the small deaths, deaths of ideas, deaths of lost opportunities or relationships.

The death of an idea we feared to share, the death of an opportunity we feared to take, the death of a relationship we feared to embrace.

Fear is directly proportional to these small deaths and we encounter it everyday.

"Those that are open to uncertainty, who are courageous and brave, they are the pathfinders for the rest us". Seth Godin

Being fearless could be foolish, but the right kind of fearlessness allows growth, innovation, creativity and is simply, good governance.


This blog was written with the support and insight of one of our contributors. Thank you, Divya. As an MBA student specifically interested in marketing and culture, she is a contributor to the Perrin Carey blog. If you would like to contribute to moving governance forwards towards a more ethical and human centric framework, please contact Perrin.

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